Albert Fish Quotes

Albert Fish was one of the most prolific and depraved serial killers of the 20th century. Fish, a child-murdering cannibal who had a desire for torture and self-mutilation, was the closest thing to a real-life boogeyman the world has ever seen.

Detectives and psychologists interviewed Fish extensively from the time of his arrest in 1934 until his death in 1936. He willingly divulged all of the details of his crimes, and his claims went far beyond what anyone expected. Here are the five most disturbing quotes from Albert Fish.

Albert Fish Quotes

"Misery leads to crime. I saw so many boys whipped it ruined my mind."

- Albert Fish

Speaking to his designated psychologist, Dr. Fredric Wertham, Fish explained his burning obsession with giving and receiving pain. Pain had always been a constant in Fish's life, from the physical discipline he received as a child to the bizarre sexual acts he enjoyed in adulthood. Every aspect of Fish's character revolved around hurting or being hurt in some way.


"I always had a desire to inflict pain on others and to have others inflict pain on me. I always seemed to enjoy everything that hurt."

- Albert Fish

As a young boy, Fish was sent to an orphanage until he was 10 years old. There, Fish witnessed some harrowing sights, from sexual abuse to strict acts of corporal punishment upon himself and the other boys. These traumatic visuals stayed with Fish until adulthood, when he acted them out himself on his own victims.


"I like children. They are tasty."

- Albert Fish

Albert Fish claimed to have killed and consumed over 100 children throughout his criminal career. Whether or not this is true is the subject of speculation, but Fish certainly cannibalized at least one child during his lifetime. Fish later detailed the ordeal in a vile letter to the victim's parents.


"What a thrill that will be if I have to die in the electric chair. It will be the supreme thrill. The only one I haven't tried."

- Albert Fish

As well as getting off on acts of sadism and cruelty, Albert Fish was also an extreme masochist. He committed acts of unimaginable agony upon himself, from inserting objects into his genitals to stuffing gasoline-laced cotton up his rectum and setting it alight. Therefore, to a masochistic mind like Fish's, being electrocuted to death was nothing short of exhilarating.


"I have no particular desire to live. I have no particular desire to be killed. It is a matter of indifference to me. I do not think I am altogether right."

- Albert Fish

The Gray Man was seemingly unconcerned with the value of human life. In addition to taking it so willingly, he also didn't care whether he lived or died himself. When Fish was being prepped for the electric chair, he allegedly assisted his executioner in applying the electrodes to his body.

Want more Fish? Check out these disturbing Albert Fish facts.

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