Be the creepiest social distance-er with our horror and serial killer face masks! Our unisex true crime and horror masks are perfect for men or women. What's better than putting on a Patrick Bateman or Ted Bundy face mask? You can order one serial killer mask or collect them all - a great addition to any horror movie face mask collection!

Aileen Wuornos Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Ed Kemper Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Albert Fish Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Ted Bundy Tattoo Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Beetle Jesus Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Ed Gein Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

John Wayne Gacy Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Richard Ramirez Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95

Jim Jones Face Mask
Sale price$ 14.95